I often find myself throwing up my hands in despair and claiming, "The world is stupid!" M for Mazing says nice things like "You're just not meant for this world" to comfort me but the fact of the matter is Here Is Where I Am.
The world is stupid. I can't believe how often we choose to make life harder for ourselves. Instead of applying all our determination to finding a way to get dads home with their families, we push for equal rights so now we can all never see each other. We plan obsolescence - cell phones that get 'old' and must be traded for new ones (not to mention the whole concept of cell phones rather than something like a portable ham radio!); cars that run ten years and require a computer engineering degree to repair (why don't we install a manual back-up for every 'automatic' item, ie roll down windows?); computers that are 'old school' two minutes out the door; proprietary ink cartridges (need I say more?) And the one that galls me the most? Spending thirty years of our life to pay for a home to live in. Everything else in the world finds theirs for free, but no, we, the intelligent species, have found a better way.
I've been dabbling in genealogy during my sofa-confinement, and my Ukrainian ancestors built these types of homes for temporary shelters on the Canadian prairies
and then eventually "moved up" to these larger homes when able - both very light and lovely and reasonable.
I google searched "homes under $5,000" and discovered the Simon Dale family. Now that's what I'm talking about! Check out his link
to similar homes, it will make you happy. So lovely to find kindred spirits, isn't the internet wonderful? So, I guess not the whole world is stupid.
Images thanks to campaugusta, blueskies, town of rossburn, travel webshots, tiny house design; and boston.com
Ummm all I can say is YES.
Oooh, tell Dad we need to figure out how to make Ukrainian houses! I love all that white. :D
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