25 June 2010

Gone, Man, Solid Gone

I've been wanting to paint the Umbra OH chair I got at a garage sale (for $5!) for quite a while now. I liked it's odd, sickly ghost green colour, but I didn't know if I liked it enough to keep the entire chair that colour - I wanted more of a subtle hint of *pop*.  So I decided I'd paint it white, but keep some of the original colour showing by sticking a design on that I could peel off after spray painting with plastic fusion paint. I wanted it to have a mid-century modern feel, but I knew I was too lazy to work hard at it.  I had some Helvitica 2" adhesive letters and numbers, so I took all the "O"s and Zeroes, the insides of the sixes, nines, and eights, and cut a few eights in half and stuck them on in what I hoped would be a design reminiscent of fifties atomic olive patterns. And it's awesome! I love how it turned out! It's so rare for me to like what I create, but I keep tip-toeing into my bedroom to stare at it in delight :)


MelancholySmile said...

Whoa, that's even better than what I'd imagined. LOVE IT.

Crys said...

love love it