05 May 2010

I'm a Wreck

Once again I couldn't sleep, but rather than while away the time Etsy-ing, I thought I'd work toward my goal of having more current family photos in our home, so towards that end I went to daughter N's blog and began scrolling thru all her posts starting from the very first.

What an emotional roller coaster!! Two years worth of remembrances, goals, photographs, passions, distractions, struggles, parties, births, accomplishments, -- all those valleys and peaks....   I began getting way too emotional so I thought, Ok, I'll take a break and go see what nienie's new movie is all about....... thinking it was going to be something light and frothy and fun.....  I had no idea.  It's an amazing spiritual powerhouse. So beautiful.  So reaffirming. I could have turned off all the electricity in the world and still would've been able to read by the light in the room, it was just Spirit Full.

All my words are just too clunky for the feelings of the night. My cup brimmeth over. I watched the sunrise, all quiet around me, thinking very deep thoughts, feeling grateful for my family and life, the gospel and meaningfullness.

The installation pictured above was one of my favorites, though an image does it no justice. Thousands of nylon threads hung from the ceiling, shimmering and drifting on the slightest breeze, like spiderwebs. Nearby, a plague displayed this scripture: 

"And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind, and earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire, a still small voice." 
~from N's blog archives, 5/5/2009

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